1. My endorsement requirements are constantly evolving. Most new endorsements are on hold at this time. However, you are more than welcome to place an order.
2. Endorsing an artist is much like gambling....I have to weigh the odds and decide if it is an acceptable risk to put money into you. Therefore, I am looking for, not just musical ability, but some degree of presentation and professionalism.
3. I prefer to devolop a relationship with my artists. Emails about how awesome your band is and how hard you will work to promote Monson Guitars aren't necessary and won't get you very far. Sometimes a person that has ordered a guitar or guitars can become an official artist with Monson Guitars, however, this in no way means that you will become a Monson Guitar artist if you start ordering guitars.
4. If you are contacting me simply because you're looking for the best deal you can possibly attain without wanting to be obligated to do anything further....go away.
5. I do not give free handouts. I only give artist discounts in exchange for your work promoting Monson Guitars. Furthermore, I do not have MSRP markups on my guitars. What I charge for a guitar is what it costs me to make the guitar, pay my rent, and put food in my mouth. I DO NOT HAVE PRICE MARKUPS ON MY GUITARS. When you inquire about an endorsement, you are not asking me to slash my markup price like other big companies, you are asking me to cut into the price to do this and survive....just something for you to consider. This is also why I don't throw endorsements at every band that comes along.
6. A lot of guys think "Hey, custom guitar endorsement, awesome....dream come true!" They then proceed to get very wide eyed and shoot for the moon, concocting the most elaborate guitars they can think of. You know, the complete "custom one-of-a-kind never before seen by human eyes and lived to tell the tale kind of guitars". That is all fine, but do not expect to get something like this for a few hundred bucks. IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! Guitars like this take a lot of time and money (think thousands). If you want the greatest guitar ever made, expect to pay for the greatest guitar ever made...............unless I've been seriously into your band for many, many years.
7. I only give artist discounts to those who wish to be dedicated to helping Monson Guitars. That means youll play a Monson Guitar because you want to, not because you have to. If youd rather go with a bigger company that has more handouts to offer, go for it. This is a partnership. Its a simple business practice. If you do well for me, then I will treat you well in return. In other words, if you have a "rock star" attitude and are asking "what are you gonna do for me?", then we just aren't going to get along! If you're already working with someone else or have plans to do so soon....I'm really not interested in working with you. I'm not interested in anyone with a conflict of interest.
8. For further consideration, please contact me in regards to CD submission.
This is a requirement. You can send a link to a webpage, but I don't have time to sit in front of my computer all day and listen to your band. If you're serious about wanting a Monson Guitar endorsement, then you should be serious about sending me something I can listen to in my shop! Whether it is a demo or a major label CD, that is fine, but the higher profile your record label and distribution, the more likely you are to be considered. Please include your contact email address for me.
9. Some info is good, but it is not necessary to send me a detailed account of what you have done and/or are planning to do. However, I do like to see a touring band and you are welcome to include your upcoming tour itinerary. If you happen to be in the Northern CA area, I might even come check you out.
10. Any money you are willing to put towards your guitar, the more likely you are to be considered. I do not have the luxury of pulling a guitar off the production line, as I do not mass produce guitars. Not only will it ensure youre getting the guitar of your dreams, it also tells me that youre not just looking for a handout. Due to the cost of international shipping, most bands outside of the U.S. would most likely need to help cover some costs. Of course, not every band worth working with is going to have money to put toward a guitar, so I do have promotional prototype guitars that I am willing to give great deals on with the right people, but they would not be custom made just for you. More than likely, most of my artist endorsement discounts will be an incremental percentage based on what kind of guitar you want. Sometimes I will do a percentage for the basic parts of the guitar and a seperate percentage for the aesthetics of the guitar (i.e.-inlays, paint, bindings, exotic woods)
11. It just needs to be a good match. If your band + Monson Guitars = kick ass, then I cant wait to hear from you!